This is Me! 

My name is Finlay Harper, I am 20 years old. I was born on the 20th July ’95.  Im a British author, based in Liverpool. 

I am asexual. I discovered I was asexual when I left school (16), when all my friends where starting to enjoy sex, I never did. I guess I like boys more than I like girls. Sort of always have. I came out as asexual when I was 18, it appeared to confuse my parents, as I’d come out as gay years before, but once I explained it, they got the general gist. As did most of my friends. It was all pretty okay. 

It did, however, sadden me when looking for online support, and finding a lot of discouragement for asexuals. I vowed to try and change that. 

I was always too scared to write. I’d always been a little bit too anxious to sit and write a sentence never mind a novel. I was brought into a project in early 2013, a project called the Basorexia project, ran by a good friend of mine. I wrote an asexual love story. Something I would always have planned to write, and I enjoyed it, I really enjoyed it. I feel in love with writing and just had to continue, so I have.

All of my books will be asexual lead, they all have asexual main characters, some of them will be in romantic relationships, some will not, some will be in relationships with other asexuals, some with other ‘sexuals’, I want to abolish everything that has been thought about asexuality, I want to ensure people know about asexuality, and people know how it can vary! 

You can read my debut Basorexia, you can pre-order it now, and it will be available the 30th September. 

But don’t worry, I have 4 books in the rocks, which I am very, very excited about! 

Finlay x